UPDATES and Hotfix for Excalibur (V1.2.1)

I discovered a bug in V 1.2.0 where newly imported STL files become assigned to the existing “Articulator” collection in the Outliner workspace. This has been corrected with V1.2.1, which is now available on our downloads page. If you currently have Excalibur installed, the best practice would be to uninstall Bforartists from your PC prior to installing the update. For any new users, V1.2.1 will work as an initial installation of the program, so you’re all set. My apologies to any of our new users trying to learn how to use the software. With this fix, you should be able to move forward with model production as normal.

Currently, our videos page hosts several instructional videos for basic use of the software and model production. I hope to have an instructional video for single unit crowns hosted by the end of the week, and by next week we should be able to have a video detailing a bridge workflow as well.

Special thanks to Elvis and Barb from Voices From The Bench for having us on as guests recently. If you haven’t checked it out, please give episode 221 a listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts from.


Roundtable is here!


Excalibur V1.2.0